Keith Taylor

Keith Taylor is a interesting photographer who has a vast amount of landscape pieces and natural close ups. Traveling to extraordinary places and capturing the beauty of different counties. Close ups are an important aspect of photographic realities in tow main ways. Close ups by themselves are a part of photographic realities as well as their involvement in a variety of different techniques. I chose to include Keith Taylor within my photographer research due to how he positions and focuses the subjects of his images, above are two examples of this. Keith Taylor is a photographer which uses his camera, light and other external factors to create interesting piece which stand out compared to other simple close ups. Depth of field has been used to highlight particular colours within the image on the right. The positioning of the flowering plant has enabled this blurred background empathising on the colours on the individual plant. I like the way in which his image express colour and contrast.
Graham Owen

Graham Owen is another close up photographer which I took interest in. Focusing mainly on nature and small insects or animals. His work is very interesting and help me to look at a variety of ways in which photographers can use there camera's to create more inspiring and detailed work. He has experimented with depth of field in many of his images as well, demonstrated in a a image above . I like how the blur in certain images help to create a strong contrast through the colours. By contrasting these bold colours he has shown clearly the shape of certain aspects within the image. I how the insect in the image on the right is positioned within the image and on the flower. This particular angle used does is very effective in creating this particular image. His work has showed me how by trying different angles it may create a more interesting image. His work has inspired me to work on my composition and angles. As well as developing on my focal points and focusing on images.
Ross Hoddinott

Ross Hoddinott is a UK wildlife and landscape photographer. Along with his extraordinary work he also has a selection of work know as creative vision. These pieces show our eyes what we would not originally see. This is what I am aiming for in my project, to display unexpected and normally unseen settings. I like how he has used depth of field within his image on the right to highlighted the pure white colours from the flowers. The composition of this image provided an interesting angle to the flower showing a surrounding of where it grows. Displaying the quantity of how many of these particular flowers there are. The image on the right shows a contrast between his work. From capturing what is there and distorting what is there. This particular image he has taken of the dragonfly is an unusual perspective and shows the motion of the animal. The blur which is created is unique and has some areas in great detail and some completely out of focus. Although the colours used within this image are more neutral and dark the image still seem bright with a positive atmosphere.
Steve Mcurry
Many of Steve Mccurry work reflects different cultures and details of places of which people may never see or appreciate. He is good with portraying strong emotion within his portraiture photos. I found his work to be interesting and also many of his pieces can be linked to what I wish to explore. I feel that his framing and work in general would help me develop my skills with my camera and taking original images. Part of photographic realities is how a photographer uses a camera to their advantage, along with focus and composition. By looking to these aspects when taking an image it allows a interesting pieces to be created which reflects a cap tied moment. Also by using different focal points it allows us to see a more detailed scene due to which is highlighted by the focus.
Lisa Kristine
Lisa Kristine explores different cultures and places around the world. Showing the amazing people and environments which inhabit our world. Displaying strong emotions and different cultures in an interesting way. I would assume that for this images above to have been created a low f setting was used in order to create this shallow depth of field. This technique is interesting due to the way it highlights the persons features and portrays strong tones, creating a vast amount of detail being cearly displayed. Lisa Kristines work is an example of how an effective image can effect peoples emotions and capture peoples attention.
Manny Librodo
Manny Librodo works on interesting and extraordinary portraiture in unusual places and environments to create mystical and mysterious images. Portraying strong emotion and fascinating ideas within their pieces.
Christi Allen Curtis
Whilst showing a unique perspective, Christi Allan Curtis works heavily on portraiture. Using water in many of his pieces to enhance features and often innocence of younger children. His works provides a new outlook onto portraiture and adds a surreal aspect to many images. He has a selection of work capturing people underwater, this images create unique and often distort pieces which are very interesting and intriguing. I like how reflections are created and create a usual replica of the person and displays some features and areas which we do not see, this is seen within the example above.
David Hockney
David Hockney does a variety of photo joiners and multiple imagery. Displaying a unique perspective and unusual photographs. By joining sections of photos or multiple photos together to form a larger image or idea. These make what may be seen as a more boring or plain image into a interesting piece showing a great deal of time and effort well spent. Images like this help to show a different perspective and focal point. I like the way in which he has approached the image on the left . I think the images collected could have been used for a good photojoiner however have been placed in this large multiple imagery. I think by placing these images in a multiple image it created a fascinating and creative image. Due to the difference in zoom and tones from each image create the unusual effect.
Andre De Freitas

Andre De Freitas is the photographer I found to represent multiple exposure. He has a selection of work which I find most interesting, these being his carefully thought and constructed double exposure pieces. The way in which he blends his images and makes them work so well intrigues me. He combined a mixture of architecture and natural surroundings. I like the way in which the image of the right shows only the persons outline filled with part of a city. This suggests how people who live in large city's lose individuality and blend into the city, becoming a part of a large group. This could be seen as good or bad from different peoples perspective. It could be seen as a positive that people are part of a large community which potentially involved different cultures and professions. On the other hand it could be seen as a negative that people are losing this individuality. The image on the right displays an example of how he has merged a photo of nature with a photo of a person. I like how well he achieves this out considering the complicity of the design. It is hard to tell how he achieves this particular style due to the way many ways this technique could potentially be carried out.
Annie Leibovitz
Annie Leibovitz is a famous portrait photography. She has photographed many well known celebrities. Recently she has worked on a fairy tale selection based on old story's filled with romance and excitement. These emotions are strong displayed within her images along with mystery. This particular selection of work is interesting to explore when thinking about photographic realities as it clearly represents this. By creating an idea or image which would not be seen in real life and displaying this fantasy idea. Her images like this allow people to escape from reality and dream of a better, more exciting, place. The contrast of bright and dark colours, as displayed above help to create a positive but mysterious and mystical atmosphere. The way in which these images are created is what intrigues me the most. The images appear very realistic, with a background and subjects which blend very well.
Amy Spanos
I find Amy Spanos work to be very interesting and unique. With a variety of portraiture and some more surrealism pieces she creates images which i could learn and develop my ideas and techniques. Amy Spanos has developed her ability's and ideas which is shown from her earlier work and more recent along with how she is a local photographer to my area intrigues me. She has worked on a variety of ideas and concepts, ranging from images with a dark atmosphere to fairy-tale images as displayed above. Amy Spanos pieces show a great amount of talent and skill both camera and Photoshop based. I like the way in which she uses different background and tones to set a particular feel to the image, helping to enhance her creative ideas.
Kirsty Mitchell works on a variety of fantasy pieces and unusual portraiture. Using different setting to other artists and what appears to be very good Photoshop techniques this artist intrigued me. She producers some surreal images through her unusual portraiture pieces
Chamo Madaz
Chamo Madaz creates many pieces showing surrealism which challenge reality. A variety of his pieces could closely link to some of the work i would like to produce during this project. His pieces are extremely intriguing and
Christopher McKenney
Only a selection of Christopher McKenny work caught my eye. As many of his pieces do not interest me, the selected few examples are the selection of his work which do interest me. He creates very surreal images which confuse people and make them question how it was created. I find this intriguing as I like photographers which make me stop and think about their image.
Stephen Criscolo
I was unable to find much information on this photographer however I find his work very interesting he has used light sources in an interesting way and created intriguing surreal images.
Staudinger Franke
Staudinger Franke focuses on advertising and creating inspiration pieces to inspire and influence peoples buying habits. His works adjusts reality and highlights an idea that is not 100 percent accurate. Showing surrealism in his images and creating interesting and imaginative pieces.
Erik Johnson
Erik Johnson is photographer which has spiked my interest previously. I like how his piece look so realistic. He often testes what people would expect to be the normal. He shows his creative side and how he is not scared to challenge realities and produce unusual pieces.
Ronen Goldman
Ronen Goldman shows great editing skills and techniques within his work. Providing inspiration and sparking creativity by this pieces.
Joel Robison
Joel Robinson manipulates reality within his images to displays strong messages and creative pieces. Providing unique perspectives and unusual ideas. He is a good example of how people have interesting inner thoughts and ideas and release them through an art form and intrigue people.
Kyle Thompson
Kyle Thompson produces some interesting and fascinating pieces. Whilst also simply capturing the places he visits in a unique way. I like how he uses his camera and photo editing software to create the pieces he does. His work shows great thought and makes people think about it and the idea behind it, this intrigues me about him as an artists and his work. The image to the left is a very powerful surreal image. It also has a blurred background to enhance the focus on the flames, This image is very intriguing and makes people question how it was made. The way in which he makes these images are very good and I struggle to understand or have any idea how he makes them. This intriguing me about his work as it makes me really think about his images.