Thursday, 17 December 2015

Connecting Essay Four

I like how this image shows two different time frames. This is an interesting way to show a place at two different points within its timeline displaying the differences or changes which have occurred. These two images appear to be very similar however the model is placed differently and more to the right. This piece potentially shows a person recreated an image from the past. A vintage feel is given to this picture from the tones and the contrast the image holds. I also think that a aspect of surrealism is produced from this image as we are unsure as to if the women displayed in both images are the same. The idea that someone is showing a replica of the place within the image through a photograph is very intriguing and creates this usual and different surreal image. 


I like how this image has been created. I feel that it is a modern version of a image within an image. The image appears to have a very basic idea, however a message of this image could be lack of appreciation within today's society due to technological advances. This interpretation comes from the focus of the phone and blur of the sculpture, this shows how people are seeing life through a phone and are sharing every experience they have online instead of enjoying it at the time. Displaying the negative side of social media and how it impacts our life. The cool and natural colours within this image help to display a neutral atmosphere allowing people to have different interpretation of the image.


Both images are based on the same concept of an image within an image. These images show a particular place or object twice within the piece, enhancing the subject of the image. Neutral colours are displayed within both pieces and no bright tones are used, showing how both photographs lack a very positive atmosphere. However the images are very different in what they show. The online image shows a replica of the place at a different time however the second image displays a second version of what is seen within the image at that time. Another difference of the images is how the first image required editing and more time to be able to show a recreation of a place/ event, however my own image required no editing as it showed a replica of the main feature in the image through the persons phone which was happening at the time of the image being captured. 

1 comment:

  1. James Bell's comment, a good post here but you will need to expand on the differences, wrt the images e.g. the top one from the internet has surreal connotations as we are unsure about whether the identity of the person is in fact the image that the man is holding or not…

    In the second image (your own) you have discussed the social ramifications associated with spectatorship and social networking. you could draw reference to the differences as well as the connections in the final paragraph emphasising whether it was you intention to create an image in the way you have recorded it…

    the final issue is that the above image could only be possible through editing, or recreating the moment, where as the other representation is a live "in situ" image
